Siwa Meeting Points / Drop-off Welcome to Siwa !Happy New Year !Name *First, Second & family name pleaseMobile Number *Select trip date - Siwa By Bedouins *searchSiwa New year's Eve TripSelect your pickup point *Pickup point - Siwa Oasis10:30 PM - MP1 - Tagmou11:20 PM - MP2 - Hadaba Wosta12:00 midnight - MP3 - OctoberFlight 8:00 AM Tuesday morning - Al.Maza Airport- Bus group : Traveling Monday night - Flight group : Traveling Tuesday morningTravel Consents *Yes, I read, understand and agree with the Safety instructions & Responsibilities agreement, Cancellation policy, terms of agreement.Special Requests, Any food preferences, Allergies of medications ?feel free to ask any questions !Submit my requestSave as Draft